Meshes can be loaded from the menu by selecting “Add” -> “Mesh” (Ctrl+B). Materials, however, will need to be re-created for. mesh files created with Toolbag 1 can be loaded, but not saved out of Toolbag 2. Textures, however, are saved as references to external image files. The scene file format (.tbscene) now saves all objects, including meshes, materials, cameras, and lights. Protip: Parent a dynamic light to the sky object to make it follow the sky rotation (Shift+LMB). This can be very useful if you want one object to stay with another. For instance, you can parent a mesh or light to another mesh by dragging object A onto object B.

You can also parent most object types to other objects. If no objects are selected, an empty group item will be added to the scene which you can drag objects into. Group objects by making a selection (Ctrl or Shift+click in the scene list or Ctrl+click in the viewport to select multiple objects) and clicking “Add” -> “Group” from the menu, or press Ctrl+G. Click on the eyeball icon to toggle visibility per object. Rename an object by double clicking on it in the scene list. Objects can be rearranged in the scene list with a simple drag and drop interface. The scene system is new with Toolbag 2 and supports multiple objects including groups, meshes, cameras, and lights. There is much more hidden beneath surface, so be sure to experiment with everything that you find. This article is meant to highlight the major points as a lot that has been added or changed since Toolbag 1. This tutorial will guide you through many of the awesome new features that we’ve added to Toolbag 2 to get your art imported and looking pretty in record time.